For the month of August, I thought we should get to know more about Elisabeth(we know her as Chinapainter)on the board.
I asked her a few "get to know her better" type questions and here is what she had to say!
When and how did you begin scrapbooking?
I started scrapbooking a little over a year ago - determined I was NOT going to do it! Jessica/wintermoon took me to a crop in UmeƄ and I was totally stuck when I got back home. I bought my first supplies at the crop and started the day after. That was May 14th, 2006. I thank all the lovely ladies there who showed me a lot of tricks and gave me so much inspiration!
What are your must have items/products?
Things I cannot live without is my paper trimmer, pens, fluid chalk and of course papers. The products I use most besides these are chipboards, flowers, brads and the edge scraper. It's nice to have ribbons and buttons around, too.
Do you have a favorite scrapbooker?
I don't really have a favorite scrapbooker - I find inspiration everywhere on the internet, but I am very impressed by you girls on the design team. I surf around some and find bits here and there that I want to try.
How do you handle a creative block?
I've never had a creative block - but I lack in inspiration sometimes. At those times I change to do something else, like making jewelry or painting china. There I find inspiration for new color combos or a new doodling pattern, and the problem is solved.
What are your other hobbies besides scrapbooking?
Besides scrapbooking I like to make cards, jewelry, paint china and do cross-stitch embroidery. These hobbies may seem a bit away from each other - but they do intertwine! I take my color combos with me from scrapbooking to jewelry to chinapainting, and I also find interesting patterns on the papers to transfer to china. A small cross-stitch embroidery will look lovely on an LO, and I have also made some LO's on china painting. Product knowledge is another thing - I use a lot of my china painting supplies when scrapbooking!
What's your favorite flavor of coffee?(we know how much you love coffee!)
Coffee... A must for me! I don't function before my first cup in the morning. I like it strong, black and unsweetened. The favorite is called Inferno, but I can make it with almost all medium to dark roasts. As I need to slow down a bit on the caffeine, I have started to drink instant Cappuccino in the evenings, preferably with chocolate flavor. I even have coffee at parties, as a coffee-drink, it is lovely with a punch of Amaretto in it and topped with whipped cream and raw sugar!
Are you a morning or a night person?
Definitely a night person! I must have been an owl in an earlier life. Or maybe a cat. I like to scrap or do other crafts when the rest of the family goes to bed, the house is so quiet and I am not disturbed by anything. It happens that I still scrap when DH wakes up and goes to work...
Thank you Elisabeth for being our Crafty Member of the Month of August! it was so fun getting to know you even better!