Have you ever taken the time to think about all of the scrapbooking products that you use? How are they made? Especially the paper products. Where does all of the paper come from? And the chipboard that we all love? Trees. Yes, trees give us food, shelter, oxygen, and PAPER! We scrapbookers know how important trees are. "Trees Give Us Life" is the title of a recent LO that I made for a challenge. We had to choose 3 items that we did not normally use while scrapping. I chose, masking tape, corrugated cardboard, and cork. All of these products come from trees also, so they were perfect for the title I had chosen for my LO. I really spent a lot of time thinking about how trees really do give us life while creating my LO. Where would we be without them?
So, the next time you look at a tree, take a good look! Be thankful for them, take care of them, and plant a few! They will be the source of someone's happiness in the future. Without trees, none of us would be pursuing this passionate hobby of ours!
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