Well, it's time once again to highlight one of our wonderful Crafty Girls! This month we have chosen Christine, better known to all of us as Kissyj. Christine hails from out west in the great state of Utah!
1. Tell us a little about your background and family.
I am a SAHM to 4 wonderful children. Joelle is 7, Liam is 5, Max is 3 and Dane is 16 months. We will be welcoming another baby boy, Lucas, to our family in November. We are so excited for him to be a part of our family! My husband, Jared, and I have been married for 10 years. I am so lucky to have such a wonderful, supportive husband! We all live together in Northern Utah, though we are natives of the Sacramento area in California.
2. What makes you tick? (do you have favorite snacks, tv shows, quirks, what excites you, etc.)
I love to read, I spend a lot of time with my nose in a book. With the kids and making time for scrapbooking, I usually do my reading as a wind down before going to sleep. One of my favorite food is Bruschetta; I just love that tomato-Basil combo..so yummy! As far as quirks go, you might call me a little chatty..LOL..ok a lot chatty!
3. How long have you been scrapbooking and please show us your first LO.
I started scrapbooking shortly after my oldest child was born. My aunt was a Creative Memories consultant, so she hooked me up with plenty of products to play with. I have scrapped off and on since then, but I have gotten most enthusiastic since moving to Utah! I can find so many great products here locally, and they are so much more inspiring than what you find in your general craft store. (I don’t know why I didn’t think of looking on line for supplies!!!)That was a year and a half ago and there’s no stopping me now.
4. What, or who, is most inspiring to you where scrapbooking is concerned?
I am not sure that I have one main inspiration. It really depends on my mood and what I am working on. But, what keeps me scrapbooking is the enthusiasm my children show when looking at their pages. My oldest son, Liam, just loves it when I finish a new page about him. He loves to show his album to anyone who will look. It is such an inspiration to keep going.
5. When inspiration strikes, what is the first thing you do to develop you LO idea?
Most of the time I start out with my photos and go from there. Sometimes I have “the perfect papers” and sometimes it takes more thought and searching through my stash to find just the right thing. Sometimes my inspiration will come from a new pack of paper, and I find the right pictures to go with it and work that direction. I have no hard and fast rule.
6. What technique do you love, but have not tried yet?
I love to see the layouts with paints, and goofy me, I haven’t bought any yet!
7. Do you think you will continue to scrapbook for years to come?
Totally! I will soon have 5 children, so I will never run out of topics to scrap! (Though finding the time might prove difficult!)
Thank you so much, Christine, for sharing your family and interests with us! We are so happy to have you as one of our Crafty Girls!
(The LO on the top left is the first one that Christine created. The one on the top right was her most recent when this interview took place)
Great layout of you! I bet you will still scrap even though finding the time might be hard. You will look at scrapping as a get away from life.
ALRIGHT CHRIS! I LOVE IT! I agree with Fink, scrapping is definitely a getaway for me and I only have on kiddo! Five...whew, I can't even conjure that thought. You're blessed, but I'm aiming for 1 more and that's it for me...mentally, but moreso physically! I didn't have an easy pregnancy at all!
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