Wednesday, October 31, 2007

November Guest Design Team Member

We had so many wonderful submissions to choose from and that made this choice so hard! We could have chosen anyone as our first Guest Design Team member and know we would have been thrilled!

With that being said I am happy to announce that Jessica Wallin Tander will be our November Guest Design Team member!!!!

Jessica offers such a fresh prespective with her unique scrapping! Her use of paint and other materials brings so much fun to her pages! She is also a wonderful photographer! We look forward to being inspired by her this month!!!

Please check out her submission!

I would like to be your guest because I think it's time for me to take another step.
I have wanted to be in a DT for some time now, but never felt like I have had the time or experience for it.
I also think that I might evolve in my scrapping but also as a person. And the best thing, it would be nice to work with you girls! =)

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Join us in congratulating Jessica!!

Friday, October 26, 2007

25% off sale

Don't miss the 25% off sale in the store that continues through Sunday, October 28th! Use coupon code Oct20 in the checkout! And don't miss the opportunity to donate your $2.00 for Breast Cancer Awareness and receive a raffle ticket to win over $350 in scrapbook supplies! Check out the store homepage for details.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Catching UP and a Raffle!!!

This past weekend we had a "Harvest Crop" at KT CRAFTS! WOW... it was so much fun and we had a wonderful group of people participating!!! It all began on Friday evening when Crafty Girl Vicki got everyone started at MIDNIGHT! Now, I am one of those people who loves my sleep.. I was not up at Midnight, but sure looks like they had fun!!! Saturday we kept the party going from 8am - 4pm. The challenges were great and everyone sure posted some wonderful work!!

Friday KT Crafts also kicked off a dontaion Raffle to support Breast Cancer Awareness through the National Breast Cancer Foundation.
You can buy a raffle ticket for $2.00
Check out the store to get your raffle ticket!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

And the winner is....

Sandi C!

This was such a difficult contest!! Congratulations to all who entered!

Stay tuned for a new contest soon!!!

Fancy Pants Contest!

There are some seriously talented people out there and so many wonderful entries in our Fancy Pants contest this month! I just wanted to show everyone a wonderful slideshow showing what we got!

I had to do it in two different slides because of all the entries! So Thank you to everyone who submitted for this!!!

We will be announcing the winner later today!

Also keep an eye out for our next contest!

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

October's Member Highlight

Well, it's time once again to highlight one of our wonderful Crafty Girls! This month we have chosen Christine, better known to all of us as Kissyj. Christine hails from out west in the great state of Utah!

1. Tell us a little about your background and family.
I am a SAHM to 4 wonderful children. Joelle is 7, Liam is 5, Max is 3 and Dane is 16 months. We will be welcoming another baby boy, Lucas, to our family in November. We are so excited for him to be a part of our family! My husband, Jared, and I have been married for 10 years. I am so lucky to have such a wonderful, supportive husband! We all live together in Northern Utah, though we are natives of the Sacramento area in California.
2. What makes you tick? (do you have favorite snacks, tv shows, quirks, what excites you, etc.)
I love to read, I spend a lot of time with my nose in a book. With the kids and making time for scrapbooking, I usually do my reading as a wind down before going to sleep. One of my favorite food is Bruschetta; I just love that tomato-Basil yummy! As far as quirks go, you might call me a little chatty..LOL..ok a lot chatty!
3. How long have you been scrapbooking and please show us your first LO.
I started scrapbooking shortly after my oldest child was born. My aunt was a Creative Memories consultant, so she hooked me up with plenty of products to play with. I have scrapped off and on since then, but I have gotten most enthusiastic since moving to Utah! I can find so many great products here locally, and they are so much more inspiring than what you find in your general craft store. (I don’t know why I didn’t think of looking on line for supplies!!!)That was a year and a half ago and there’s no stopping me now.
4. What, or who, is most inspiring to you where scrapbooking is concerned?
I am not sure that I have one main inspiration. It really depends on my mood and what I am working on. But, what keeps me scrapbooking is the enthusiasm my children show when looking at their pages. My oldest son, Liam, just loves it when I finish a new page about him. He loves to show his album to anyone who will look. It is such an inspiration to keep going.
5. When inspiration strikes, what is the first thing you do to develop you LO idea?
Most of the time I start out with my photos and go from there. Sometimes I have “the perfect papers” and sometimes it takes more thought and searching through my stash to find just the right thing. Sometimes my inspiration will come from a new pack of paper, and I find the right pictures to go with it and work that direction. I have no hard and fast rule.
6. What technique do you love, but have not tried yet?
I love to see the layouts with paints, and goofy me, I haven’t bought any yet!
7. Do you think you will continue to scrapbook for years to come?
Totally! I will soon have 5 children, so I will never run out of topics to scrap! (Though finding the time might prove difficult!)

Thank you so much, Christine, for sharing your family and interests with us! We are so happy to have you as one of our Crafty Girls!

(The LO on the top left is the first one that Christine created. The one on the top right was her most recent when this interview took place)

Sunday, October 7, 2007

October Harvest Celebration Crop

October Harvest Celebration Crop at KT Crafts!

Saturday, October 20

This will be one high energy crop! Lots of fun and prizes.

Crop will include challenges, mini classes, chats, games and fun!

We will even kick things off early for those who are night owls or live in different times zones.

Check out the crop thread

Or check for more information!

Wednesday, October 3, 2007


I love fall! It is one of my most favorite times of the year! At KT Crafts Fall is coming in with a major BANG! October is proving to be one of the busiest months yet! The Crafty Girls have some awesome things planned!!!

Starting Today
Race for the points Challengehas begun! <------- check it out!

This challenge is simple!! All you have to do is CREATE to earn points! Easy enought huh? Also at random times throughout the month you will have opportunity to win bonus points. There will be deadlines for these bonus points and you never know when they will happen!

October 15 is the deadline for our Fancy Pants contest! Check it out!

October 20 we will be having our Harvest Crop This will be our biggest crop yet! Don't miss it!

Then the Guest Design Team search is going on! The deadline for this is October 29

So come and check out KT Crafts WE do not want you to miss a thing!