Monday, August 6, 2007

Words have power!

The power of words.....have you ever thought about that? Have you ever counted the number of words that you use in a day? Have you ever really stopped to think about your choice of words every time you speak?

Words have tremendous power and make a daily impact on our lives. They give out energy and a message which creates a reaction in others.

Many of us use "one word" titles on our LOs. I know that I do. I like one word titles that tell the story in my LO. Some of my favorite words to use are love, cherish, and family.

Do you find yourself using "one word" titles when you scrap? If so, why?
Do you think about the impact that they will have on the LO?
"How do you choose your words"?

Check out this "topic of the week" on the message board!

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