Monday, December 10, 2007

December's Member Highlight!

This month our member highlight takes us north into Canada. Our Crafty Girl of the month is Candy, better known to us as Canzlynn98!

Candy shares a recent photo of herself and her scrapping inspiration, her son Austin, along with one of her favorite LOs.

1. Tell us a little about yourself.
I am 35 years old, I live in Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada. I grew up in a small town in Alberta called Taber. It's known as the Corn Capital of Canada. I then moved to Calgary, Alberta when I was 22. I lived there for 7 years and decided that big city living wasn't what I wanted for my son. So we moved back to Taber. Now we are here in Lethbridge. I am a mom. I have the most wonderful 10 year old son. Everything I do is for him. I don't know where I would be today If I didn't have him. I love photography and especially love that I can take my photos and turn them into something wonderful. I love to scrapbook and make cards.

2. What makes you tick? (do you have favorite snacks, tv shows, quirks, what excites you, etc.)
Here are a few of my favorites: I love Pepsi, Chocolate, Pizza, my favorite tv shows are: Dog the Bounty Hunter, Friends, CSI Miami. I also can't get enough scrapbooking paper. LOL!!!

3. How and when did you start scrapping?
I started scrapbooking 3 years ago. I only planned on doing one book. Well I can say that I have done about 10 now. My friend got me started and then I in turn got another friend "HOOKED" and it just kind of snowballed from there.

4. What is most inspiring to you where scrapbooking is concerned?
My photos. I find it really hard to scrapbook unless I have really good photos.

5. Do you sketch your ideas before you create them?
Not usually. I just kind of plan as I go.

6. What technique do you love, but have not tried yet?
I really haven't tried any techniques. I just like to do my own thing. Really I haven't figured out what that is yet.

7. What else has scrapbooking brought into your life other than capturing memories on paper?
I have met some of the most wonderful people by scrapbooking. It's so awesome when you can meet in a message board and make such good friends. I love how friends who also scrapbook are so supportive of your accomplishments and praise you for your hard work.

Thanks for sharing with us, Candy!

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